(Partners' non-Department's  ever-Locale Apartment )

'Dream-Castles of Reality'


Whatever Arts Blind & Bind Us hard,
We're never really a part though apart!

Non-locality straight from
One-Two Whole Heart's -Part 

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The Strange Tale of Non-Locality:

... Once upon a time in a little far away place in mater-energy two particles met.
Just Here-Now, the two united: What miraculous magick moment
- Two tones: one song sung - Two hearths: one destiny spun
In the Union that Man & Elfin, Gnome & Troll as well as Angle & God
Know of as AGAPE or hot love -
... And the old quirky Waveometer Measured Many World-Multiples
... Once upon another time from the two sprang would spring
Yet one more particle thing  yet one (one more)  in Wavy-Fields would sing!!!
... Now here comes then this their story:
From hereon in ever-non-locality they would never-not part!!!
Their loving web would wave through 
Any later particular moment's particle momentum
Be they yet spaces & ages apart - they would, could, should not part -
They never felt nor fell apart!

What happened then???


ANY-THING my dear, dear friend !!!