POP 21

Example Exemplar Entities (E.E:E.)


Psychologist Stan Gooch

Gooch 2 - *a*-*b* -*c* - *4* - *5*


Can world-peace stay stable without mankind healing t
he trauma of prehistoric Neanderthal Cro-Magnon transition,
 interbreeding and competing?

Global society has to heal that trauma
to stop its ghostly gestalts 
that or suffer 'ethnic-racial-religious' war 
and elaborate genocide again-again.

QAF (questions answered frankly) by the Gooch-case


Did man come from Apes or with Apes?

Perhaps not ...

Primitive man might walk the earth
Still flee to a tree for shelter
From certain animal enemies.
Gibbons his near (but ape-like) cousin
Stayed in the trees and oftentimes
Acted as the saving 'angle from on high',
Bombarding feline enemies
Out to eat man and able to climb trees too.

Will the promiscuous lascivious de-humanised societies around money, drugs & media-hype 
forever ape the possibly very wrong Darwian interpretation of mankind's ancestry 
from the Gorilla and other non-monogamous animals-apes?




But no change in accordance with truth's realities will occur, as long as the general media and its public believe in a non-monogamous 'f*** ' em all!'-grand-grand-ape-dad & -mom!
Gorillas and other large apes have to breed that way because of their male-female-hormonal cycles, they do not resemble (as does indeed the Gibbon) mankind neither in their  procrastination, child-rearing system nor in their social organisation (as does indeed the Gibbon).

"A shock for anthropologists is that the chimpanzee is least close to the cycle of the moon, and farthest away from man. But I myself am delighted at this circumstance. 
In an earlier book The Neanderthal Question, I argued that from a large number of psychological points of view, modern western man seems closer to the gibbon and the orang-utan than he does to the chimpanzee and the gorilla. Orthodox theory, however, currently places the chimpanzee and the gorilla closest to all varieties of man. The items I listed in support of my own view include pair-bonding (that is, the tendency to take one sexual partner for life), the habit of defending a specified territory, the fact that at puberty gibbon youngsters leave home and set up on their own account, the gibbon’s flexible spine, its athleticism and its two-footed, fully upright walk. To that already lengthy list must now be added the menstrual cycle. The gibbon (at thirty days) is actually closest of all apes to the true length of the lunar cycle (at 29,53 days)."
Guardians of the Ancient Wisdom, GB 1979, p 31


Craniums free-form-fantasies after the famous South America Crystal Skulls as published by Chris Morton & Ceri Thomas in 'The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls' Bear & Co USA 1997 e.v. ISBN. 1-879181-54-1

"Interestingly enough, here is one other ape that is in many ways just like us – the gibbon. Gibbons, like us, also make love all month long and all year long. The male has intercourse with the female not just during estrus, but during menstruation and pregnancy as well! And, as it happens, the male and female gibbon remain together for life alone on one patch of land, and producing a series of children that really are a family".
Guardians of the Ancient Wisdom, GB 1979, p 34

"Though the blood of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon runs in each one of us, in modern world society there are some individuals with a greater dash of Neanderthal and others with a larger element of Cro-Magnon. Those individuals with a greater element of Neanderthal will be more religious and superstitious than their fellow-men and, importantly, more genuinely endowed with paranormal powers". 
The Paranormal, GB 1979, p 207
Here in the last quote, Mr Gooch, advocates for his "Hybrid-Origin Therory" later proven correct with the "modern" science of DNA: The evidence for "interbreeding between archaic and modern humans". Stan Gooch derived this idea early on based on The Bible account of the "Sons og God" interbreeding with the "Daughters of Earth". In his mind early Cromagnons (Sons of God) and Neanderthals (Daughters of the Earth) met 40.000 to 60.000 years back, when new climatic conditions made Gibbons go west; and in his funny but factual reconstruction, the Neanderthals used the Orangutang/Chimp way of showing their behind as a sign of peace, an instinctive sign that the Gibbon males took as a willingness to have coitus. Science interprets this now proven theory (also including other early hominids) as a prerequisite for the development of modern humans and their adaptability to changing environments and climatic conditions. For Stan Gooch, however, the "hybrid nature" of Homo Sapiens meant an inner strife, an often near schizofrenic divide between two very different inner urges, giving not only himself (with a large part of Neanderthal DNA) but all of modern man some very real problems - actually a bomb set under the modern world.