Gooch 1

Example Exemplar Entities (E.E:E.)

Gooch 2 - *a*-*b* -*c* - *4* - *5*


What then did 'that terrible Stan Gooch' do as a man among men, scientist among scientists?

  1. Famed psychologist and psychic researcher Stan Gooch learned and developed the tricks of the trade from healing to trance-scrying, placing himself on the high and lofty world-famous English academic paranormal research canopy as one illuminating star with suchlikes as John Mitchell, Colin Wilson, Francis King, Magnus Magnusson, yes and with that small variation that Mr Gooch, as has Julian Jaynes in his field,  brought us all not just to know, to wonder and think more, but to see, to understand and re-think our elder to oldest ancestral facts once more.
  2. Famed literary researcher, Doctor Gooch took to his good God and luck, to develop his research to benefit mankind leaving his job and stable income as a child-psychologist.
  3. His research however did cut so directly 'to the Bone' that a lot of factual historical mss revision has since had to get done, and dull mankind at large - unlike Mr. Gooch - seems not prepared to change even for the far better - just like that. So the 'famed researcher and mankind-healer' sat famined and (relatively) friendless and died reltively alone and forgotten (13th of September 2010).
  4. From a king to a pauper by just one book? 'Cities of Dream' Then? Off the air! Down the stair! Indeed a few years back even Google would find nothing but a few second hand and rare books. At the turn of the millenium, with his (even the Penguin published ) books (OP) (out of print), with no more media-airing Mr Gooch did need academia to show some responsibility. It will not last -: The pendulum must swing back to peace, science and a prosperous world where again the search for truth and understanding shall benefit mankind - in such a world Mr Gooch's material and wealth of intuitive clear insight in the unknowable beyond the gap called millions of years, might form the basis of a truly scholarly common history of man, non-ethnic, non-nationalist and global as global man goes!
  5. On these pages - with a lot of quotes from the books of Stan Gooch - his legacy and thoughts get a promotion. Please take heed!

Gibbon from Copenhagen Zoo

The "Magic"

"The central dilemma for the Cro-Magnon male, both at the beginning and later, was always how to get control of Neanderthal magic without it getting control of him".
Cities of Dreams, GB 1989, p 126
"Again in present-day Europe we have just the faintest echo of the ancient, world-wide association of the feminine with the left. Today women still button their coats towards the left, while men button them towards the right".
Cities of Dreams, GB 1989, p 202
"Orthodoxy can offer no explanations. But we can. We can say that once, long ago, there was a highly intelligent, mysterious and ‘magically’ adept variety of very strange-looking human beings, who lived by night and were left-handed. And (hard to believe) they were ruled over and led by women".
Cities of Dreams, GB 1989, p 204