Gooch 3

Gooch 5

Gooch 4

The Legacy of
The End of 

Stan Gooch 

What then has 'that terrible Stan Gooch' given mean and unfaithfully revenging mankind ?

  1. A Key to the Darwian speculation perhaps rehabilitating primitive man as man, not primitive ape.
  2. A Key to the Frazerian speculations as to the 'whys?' and 'hows?' of original totem- & clan-institutions with primitive man doing what Mr Gooch precisely predicted that modern Gibbon ape might develop to survive.
  3. A Key to the Freudian speculations as regards the fatal 'thanatos' (death-urge) the 'cultural burden' of collective & individual forced yet insane and impractical double morality making 'libido' turn to genocide, war and other such sub-human atrocities.

Still main-stream science would not take heed of these findings and results.

We read and acted upon this statement by a friend close to Stan Gooch, Brent Logan:

"No one, certainly not a global treasure whose brilliance has inflected our deepest understanding of what we are, deserves this. All he wants is the opportunity whereby a final opus by him can draw together everything he has written; please help give him that chance. Monetary contributions or correspondence alone would be a godsend, his heartfelt acknowledgement returned by mail:

Mr. Stan Gooch
36 Oakland Park
Ystrad Road
Swansea SA5 4BY
Wales, U.K.

UPDATE, September 2003

      Stan Gooch has broken his arm near the shoulder which cannot be cast, is severely impeded by a sling, and forced to sleep in a sitting position.  Several promised promotions of his books have fallen through.  More than ever, help is needed.


Dear Mr. Olsen:

You correctly assess the professional community's attitude toward Stan Gooch--a real shame; but how the best are attacked--Hamsun (Hunger, Mysteries), Strindberg (Inferno, Diary of the Occult), Soderberg (Dr. Glass), Munch . . . even as they entirely change our perceptions.

Anything you can do to draw further attention to his terrible circumstances would be a real credit to someone else who deeply cares.

All the best,

Brent Logan

UPDATE, September 13. 2010

Stan Gooch died today brought from his caravan to the local hospital in Swansea. He never healed and never got around to write his final opus. His legacy has however grown since then. 


Confirmation that Stan Gooch correctly predicted
Neanderthal man was red-haired.

Stan Gooch, author of Cities of Dreams, stands vindicated.

Stan considers the announcement by the Institute of Molecular Biology in Oxford that Neanderthal man was red-haired, to be a major breakthrough.

Gooch has maintained this claim for the last twenty years, notably in Cities of Dreams first published in 1989 and currently in print in paperback.

It cannot be overemphasised that Stan Gooch was the ONLY researcher in the entire field of evolution who made this prediction.

Stan Gooch was the first to write in 1989:

The sacrifice of red-haired men and red oxen in Egypt, and red puppies in Rome, in both cases specifically to increase the fertility of crops, fairly certainly confirms that red-haired individuals were more likely to become sacrificial bog victims [in Ireland] than others. Why, however, should this custom have arisen? Is it simply because red-haired people and animals suggest an association with red ochre? No, I think the reason is other than this. For there is very strong evidence to suggest that Neanderthal man was red-haired . . . Red hair is not uncommon, for example, among Australian Aborigines.

Extract from Cities of Dreams